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About Me 

How old were you when you started drawing?
I started with anime-inspired art at the age of eleven. However, I wasn't serious until I was fourteen-or-something.

Are you an art student/professional?
I do art for fun, but currently I'm a student taking courses. 

If you're not a professional artist, what kind of work do you do?
Currently I'm unemployed, but looking for a job. 

Where the hell did you learn all that shit?
The answer is simple: the internet. I've learned editing skills and html from various tutorial-websites.

So... you're actually a hardcore nerd?
Yes, yes I am.

Do you have any tips for me? 
Don't depend on schools to teach you stuff. Learn it yourself! Schools often only teach you a little bit. If you want to get real good at something, invest time in it. Read about it, learn about it. Breathe it. 

About My Artwork

What programs do you use?
I mainly use GIMP, because it's fast. I do my line arts in Adobe Illustrator and effects in Photoshop. 

What materials you use for your traditional art?
Mainly pencils and markers, preferably Prismacolors and copic. I alter all traditional drawings to bring out the color because my scanner just tends to fuck it up. 

How do I get as good in art as you are?
Practice, practice and practice some more. There's no shortcut to get good. As strange as it seems... I wasn't born with talent either. I worked my ass off to get where I am now. If you don't believe me, please take a look at my sketches over the years.

Can you give me some good tutorials?
I've collected many tutorials over the years I've been on Deviant Art. The tutorials are not mine. Please credit the original makers.

What are those little stories underneath your drawings? Did you write them yourself?
Yes. I wrote them myself. 

Art Requests & Commissions 

Could you draw my character?
No, I don't do art requests, and I don't do art for free. 

Could you do an art trade with me?
I get so many requests for this, that it's killing me. I only do art trades with good friends and even those are rare.

Do you take commissions?
Yes, I do. 

Could you critique my artwork?
I get many requests for this. Most of the time I'll only critique the people that I know. But it never hurts to ask.

Can I use your art?
Depends on what you want to use it for. My art is uploaded under the creative common licence. I don't want it used for commercial advertisement. If you want to use it for personal projects (or you want to color or line art it) it's fine as long as you mention the original is mine.

Why won't you reply on my message/comment?
I get a lot of messages in my inbox. Although I try, I don't have the time to answer every single one of them. So I often refrain from answering thank-you messages and questions that are in my F.A.Q. already. I do, however, read all of them.

Could you make a tutorial for --insert topic--- ?
I often lack the time to do so, but I do create tutorials sometimes. If there's something you want to know, or a technique you want explained, please tell me. I might consider making a tutorial about it.


Can you attend my favorite convention?
Only if I am invited be the event itself. I’m not able to afford to go anywhere I want to go, since it’s just too expensive for me. If you want to see me at your local con, your best bet would be to ask the convention to bring me over. 

Can I please get an interview with you for my website?
Sure, just leave me a message on any of my social media pages. I get a lot of messages every day so I can't promise that I will answer very soon. I’ll try my best though!

Are you a professional costume designer?
I'm just a person who likes to make things with my own hands. Costumes are a wonderful way to express myself. Other than that I am just like you. I want to make cool costumes and props!

Do you sell your costumes?
No. I put so much time, money, and effort into them that they have become a part of me. Especially my props. They are my babies and I will love them forever!

Which conventions do you visit?
I attended my first con (Tekkoshokon) in 2012 when I lived in Pennsylvania for three years. Since I now reside back in my hometown, I attend Anime Expo. 

Can I take a photo of you or with you?
Sure, just ask for it! 

Why did you ignore me at the convention when I waved at you and shouted your name?
I probably didn't notice you or was really too exhausted to notice anything at all. I didn't mean to offend you or to disrespect you. After wearing a costume for twelve hours straight at a crowded event my body often just switches to “survival mode”. I probably didn't drink or eat anything the whole day while running around trying to smile which can be really tiresome by the end of the day. If you want to have a moment with me just come and talk to me directly. I would love to have a proper conversation and talk about things! We’re all just people who enjoy making costumes. 

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