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Posted by : Guardian-of-Fun-Times Saturday, December 27, 2014

I have seen a few discussions and even some complaints online about the cosplay community and what has changed since it began. No one can deny that cosplay has practically EXPLODED in the past few years. Now we have what people call "cosplay celebrities" or the "cosfamous" like Jessica Nigri, Yaya Han and plenty of others whose faces people think of as soon as you mention cosplay.

Before I continue to delve into matters, I want to say that I think cosplay should be for anyone who wants to join. It's fun!

Moving on, I think that the way it's been growing has steered people away as well as attract others. It's become much more open, that's for sure. There are pages and sites dedicated to stopping cosplay bullying, which is one of the more positive things that has come from the growing popularity of costume role playing. If you haven't seen the kinds of things people say it's pretty awful. Like any type of bully, cosplay bullies are cruel and can really destroy someone's self-esteem.

With cosplay reaching a more mainstream crowd, things have also become much harsher in many ways. For instance, with the big cosplay names out there who are constantly in convention spotlights, people will go gaga over them. With ladies like that setting the bar for other cosplayers, people who don't "meet these standards" will get equal amounts, if not more criticism. I'm not saying this to bash any of the well known cosplayers by any means. They're very skilled and get their fair share of low blows from people following the cosplay community.

Of anyone, I imagine they understand this more than others and have simply learned to deal with it. What I am saying is that there are a lot of people out there who would love to get involved in cosplay and are scared away by the kind of attention it has been attracting as of late. Now we have the "cosplay is not consent" issue, which has been around for a long time, but is only now really being recognized, and other discussions that talk about the negative aspects of what used to be a simple hobby. Now people are making a living off of this, and coming to know all aspects of it.

Since I have been cosplaying I have seen it become a popularity contest. Who's prettier? Who has the most "likes" on their page? Who can show the most skin? That, in my personal opinion, is creating something similar to high school cliques! You've got the cool kids (cosplay celebs), the nerds (just doing it for fun), the professionals (Yaya Han fits this category because she doesn't just cosplay. She owns a business where she sells cosplay items), and people in between.

When I first created my Facebook page it was so that I could gain exposure for my art and work from the craft. I make and sell accessories, jewelry, and occasional props to people who share the passion for dressing up as their favorite characters. Lately I have been using it more to simply show my work to people who enjoy it and to help people break into cosplay. While most of my small commissions come from my Deviant Art, I get a few through my page every now and then, which helps a bit since I don't currently have a job.

Facebook is one of my many tools to help build on that. It's the same for a lot of other people out there, but now it seems that EVERY cosplayer has a Facebook page and is digging for "likes." Again, I don't disagree with this at all. People have a right to show off their work if they are proud of it and Facebook is a wonderful place to network and meet new people who share your same interests. I know I've met and stayed in touch with a lot of great people via my page!

The whole point of this little rant was to say that cosplay should NEVER be a popularity contest. I cater to people who want to cosplay, but can't make their own items and I enjoy it because I know I'm helping people have fun doing something that's SUPPOSED to be fun. I love seeing my items from people and when they tell me how much they enjoy them. Plenty of cosplayers out there look down on people who don't make their own costumes and while I understand where they are coming from, no one ever got angry over people dressing up in store bought costumes for Halloween.

Of course, I'm one of those people who actually makes a lot of costumes if not altering existing garments to pertain to a certain character. I mean, I put a lot of hours into those things! Blood, sweat,and tears...sometimes literally. Getting off topic. I think cosplay needs to stop being so competitive. Unless you enter a contest, cosplay should not be an activity where the main purpose is to compare others to yourself or anyone else.

Sometimes my visions are so big that I can't contain them and often include my friends in my cosplay groups. It's my personal form of art to bring my nerdy obsessions to life. I love transforming myself into other characters, which is the appeal of cosplay in the first place. It's a blast being able to be someone new every time and to meet people who know who you are and spark up conversations about the things you love.

Cosplay should not be a modeling competition or a "sexy contest." While those things always turn up, it shouldn't become the definition of cosplay because everyone is as different as the characters they dress as. There should be diversity and there should be a level of individuality in everything people create, whether it's the costume in its entirety or the personality they take on when dressed up. Cosplay shouldn't be the cause of bitterness or anger or disappointment. It should be something everyone can enjoy.

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